JeongChul Kim
Jeongchul Kim is an AI Serving Cloud Developer at SAPEON Korea.
"I received the Master degree in the College of Computer Science at Kookmin University in South Korea. I have consistently worked hard to enhance my skill sets and make research contributions in the field of cloud computing, distributed systems, and big-data platforms. With my countless effort, I am very happy to have accepted paper(IEEE TCC Journal, Springer Cluster Computing Journal, ACM SoCC, IEEE CLOUD, IEEE ICAC). I appreciate for taking the time to evaluate my profile. I am very sure that it will help to further enhance my research vision and guide me to my next career direction. Thank you."
He received the M.S. degree in the College of Computer Science at Kookmin Unveristy. He conducted research about Cloud Computing with his advisor Ph. D. Kyungyong Lee in the BigData lab. He received B.S. degree from Kookmin Unversity.
- Master's in Computer Science : March 2018 - February 2020
- Bachelor's in Computer Science : March 2010 - February 2018
Industry Experiences
- SAPEON Korea, R&D Center, Platform team (2022.09 ~) AI Serving Cloud Developer
- Develops NVIDIA Triton Inference Server custom backends for SAPEON
- Deploying and model porting Computer Vision DNN Model using SAPEON Cloud(Artiference)
- Develops Artiference Client Android, Python, C++, Golang, WEB using HTTP/gRPC
- KT, R&D Center, AI Laboratory (2020.01 ~ 2022.08) AI Platform Research Engineer and Developer
- AICC NLU Container 구조 개발 TF 장
- Deploying Core Agent, NLP API Server, NER, Intent Classifier to AWS, Google Cloud, Azure
- Develops KT Large language model based NLU Framework(2021.12 ~ 2022.08)
- Develops KT AICC B2B NLP API Server using Java, Spring (2022.01 ~ 2022.08)
- Develops workspace REST API for train, service ID and data versioning
- Management project for NLP Admin CMS System
- Deploying Tmax Jeus and k8s to 하나은행, 신한라이프
- Develops KT AICC B2B NLP Core Agent using Golang (2021.12 ~ 2022.04)
- Develops train and inference REST API
- Develops Communication NER and Intent Classifier using Message Queue(ZeroMQ)
- Deploying container and k8s to 하나은행, 신한라이프
- Develops KT AI API G/W server for serving GiGA Genie AI STT, TTS service with Golang (2020.10 ~ )
- Develops STT gRPC service, STT and TTS HTTP API
- Authorization and Management API Key, Metering for API usage
- Processing Audio decoding and encoding using FFmpeg with C++
- Operating for production service WEB, WAS, and DB
- Project Management for sub-contractor developing AI API SDK(AOS, iOS, C#, Python, Node.js, and Java)
- Develops KT AI API CMS (Content Management System) and Admin Web UI with Golang (2020.11 ~ )
- Montioring Agent: Resource, Redis, and MariaDB Profiler - collect resource usage and db stats
- Visualization and develops web page(Dashboard and Statistics) for real-time API and resource usage with Javascript, HTML, and CSS
- Project Management for sub-contractor developing AI API CMS
- Develops WebRTC media server and WebRTC client with Golang and Pion WebRTC(2020.07 ~ 10)
- Audio mixing using Opus codec, decoder, encoder
- Video mixing using H264 Codec, NVIDIA Video Codec SDK
- DevOps rendering solution for video call game web app with Nodejs and HLS server with Golang (2020.05 ~ 07)
- Deploying WebRTC Server Deploying with Docker swarm: Media server, Signal server, Redis Sentinel, Zookeeper (2020.03 ~ 05)
- DevOps Image Analytics DNN Model Serving for KT GiGA Genie Inside and Healthcare Platform : Deploying CNN Model service with k8s cluster(Nvidia-docker with TensorFlow, redis sentinel, WAS) (2020.02 ~ 09)
- Serverless Computing 2018 - 2019
- Implemented FunctionBench : A suite of practical function workloads for public services in AWS, Google Cloud, Azure
- Evaluation network resource performance of functional execution models in FaaS environments (AWS Lambda)
- ABC2: Autonomic BigData Cloud Computing research project, 2016 - 2018
- Build autonomic cloud computing service that handles complex infrastructure configurations
- Implemented system that predicts latency of matrix multiplication of arbitrary shapes and sizes using various cloud computing resource configurations
- KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation) Research Assistant, 2015 - 2016
- SangGi Lee, SeiYoon Lee , Jeongchul Kim. A Study on Security Vulnerability Management in Electric Power Industry IoT, Korea Digital Contents Society, 2016, 499-507(8 pages). pdf
- A Basic Study on the Lightweight Cryptography in Technology in Electric Power Industry on IoT. Jeongchul Kim, SeiYoon Lee, SangGi Lee, Proceedings of KIIT Conference, 2017, 5-6(2 pages). link
- Jeongchul Kim, and Kyungyong Lee, 'I/O Resource Isolation of Public Cloud Serverless Function Runtimes for Data-Intensive Applications', International Journal of Cluster Computing, Springer, Accepted, 2020 pdf
- Jeongchul Kim, Myungjun Son, and Kyungyong Lee, ‘MPEC: Distributed Matrix Multiplication Performance Modeling on a Scale-out Cloud Environment for Data Mining Jobs', IEEE Transcations on Cloud Computing (journal paper), Accepted, 2019 IEEE Document Paper Info pdf
- Jeongchul Kim, and Kyungyong Lee, ‘Practical Cloud Workloads for Serverless FaaS’, ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2019 (Poster paper), 10/2019 pdf
- Jeongchul Kim, and Kyungyong Lee, ‘FunctionBench : A Suite of Workloads for Serverless Cloud Function Service’, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing 2019 (WIP paper), 07/2019 IEEE Document Paper Info pdf github
- Jeongchul Kim, Jungae Park, and Kyungyong Lee, ‘Network Resource Isolation in Serverless Cloud Function Service’, AMGCC 2019 in IEEE 4th International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W)2019, 06/2019 IEEE Document Paper Info pdf github
- ‘Network Resource Isolation in Serverless Cloud Function Service’, AMGCC 2019 in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing 2019, June 2019, ppt
- UCI Global Research Project 'Stanford Parser Analyze Sentences and Tree Similarity', UCI, LA, February 2018 ppt
Other relevant experience
- Summer Accelerator School, Seoul National University, South, Korea, August 2018
- Learned the basics of accelerators, OpenCL, CUDA programming, and optimization techniques for accelerators
- UROP in UC Irvine, LA, USA, December 2017 ~ February 2018
- UROP(Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) at the University of California, Irvine.
- Team Project - Stanford Parser Analyze Sentences and Tree Similarity ppt
- Term Project - Deep Learning Workload in Serverless Computing ppt github
- Korea ICT Volunteer World Friends, Ocnita, Moldova, June 2014 - September 2014
- World Friends Korea is the new name of the Korean government's overseas volunteer group that aims at helping people around the world.
Teaching experience
- Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea
- Computer programming teaching assistant, March 2016-December 2019
- Assisted professor with teaching incoming freshmen Python, JavaScript, and MS Excel
- Samsung Architect Training Course, Gyeonngi-do, South Korea
- (Cloud) Assistant, April 2018, July 2019
- Assisted professor with helping Samsung developers learn Docker Container, Amazon Web Services(VPC, AutoScaling, CloudFront, CloudFormation, SQS), Hadoop, Hive, and MongoDB
- Samsung Cloud Server Advanced Course, Gyeonngi-do, South Korea
- (Cloud) Assistant, February 2018, May 2018, October 2018
- Assisted professor with helping Samsung developers learn Container, Amazon Web Services(Lambda, S3, DynamoDb, SNS, API GateWay), Hadoop, Hive, and MongoDB
Awards and Honors
- ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing Scholarships, October 2019
- IoT Innovation Challenge 3rd Prize, Samsung, June 2017
- Smart Hubot
- KES 2017(Korea Electronics Show)
- youtube
- IoT Innovation Challenge 1st Prize, Samsung, June 2016
- Smart Connected 1st Prize, Intel and KEA, June 2016
Attend Conference
- ACM SoCC 2019, Santa Cruz, USA, Nov 2019
- IEEE ICAC 2019, Umea, Sweden, June 2019
- IEEE BIGDATA 2018, Seattle, WA, USA Dec 2018
- ACM International Conference on WSDM(Web Search and Data Mining) 2017, LA, USA, Jan 2018
- NVIDIA, Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA Python, 2020/02, certificate number: 96352db608654083b2c808339f68f7e0
Technical skills
- Programming Languages: Python, Scala, OpenCL, Java, JavaScript, CSS
- Platforms: Linux, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Docker, Spark, Hadoop, Kubernetes

JeongChul Kim
call +82 10-5443-8978 email kjc5443@gmail.com© 2022